Our services include assisting you with: -
Planning Advice
Development advice is provided in relation to residential, retail, industrial, commercial, education, healthcare, tourism, sports, leisure, aggregates and rural development. Strategic advice is provided relating to Masterplans, E.I.S., Legal/Financial, NDP and Communications Infrastructure. Statutory based consultancy is provided relating to Development Plans, Local Area Plans, SEA and AA, National Roads Enquiries, CPO, Exempted Development and Enforcement. Services include Development Assessment and Plan Preparation on behalf of Planning Authorities.
General and specific planning advice is given to a number of bodies such as Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland and Railway Procurement Agency as well as to other clients.
Planning Applications and Planning Appeals
We provide pre planning services including strategic advice on development proposals, pre-planning meetings with planning authorities and other relevant bodies.
We manage all aspects of planning applications including co-ordination of input from Clients, Architects, Engineers etc. We also prepare application letters, public notices, Retail Impact Assessments, Envrionmental Impact Assessments.
We prepare all types of planning applications.
We prepare First and Third Party Appeals and Responses to appeals on all aspects of planning, including leading at Oral Hearings.
Submissions on Planning Applications by other parties
If you are concerned about a Planning Application, we can advise you on your options and prepare a Submission/Observation for consideration by the Planning Authority. There are strict time-frames within which such Submissions/Observations may be submitted to a Planning Authority.
Strategic Planning / Forward Planning
A planning consultant is an important partner and adviser in negotiating the complex system of sustainable planning policy and development regulation in Ireland. Policies and objectives of the Government are described in the National Spatial Strategy, Regional Planning Guidelines and Government directives. The County Development Plan is the main policy document for each planning authority. Matching land with a Plan is the most important step.
Development Plan Submissions
We have prepared statutory development plans and SEA and have a fundamental knowledge of all stages of the preparation process. We are available to make submissions to statutory County, City and Town Development Plans. At pre-draft stage we address strategic policy issues and at draft plan stage we address land use zoning. We can also prepare requests for Variations to existing development plans.
Local Area Plan Submissions
We have prepared Local Area Plans for several planning authorities, including SEA reports. We have detailed knowledge of the process of making Local Area Plans. We are available to make submissions to Local Area Plans throughout the country.
Environmental Impact Assessment
SCA Planning offer significant experience of the Irish Planning system, which includes experience in the preparation and management of all aspects of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) having completed many for major projects throughout Ireland. Independent Peer Review is also provided to clients.
Retail Impact Assessment
Simon Clear was a member of the Government Steering Group responsible for the preparation of the Retail Planning Guidelines. SCA Planning have prepared the Cork City and County Retail Strategies and have been involved in some of the major retail, town centre renewal and integrated mixed-use retail developments throughout the country, including preparing retail impact statements. Strategy advice is given on all aspects of retail development such as city centre renewal, regional centres such as LIffey Valley, district centres, retail parks, neighbourhood centres and retail hierarchy structure.
Site Appraisal / Bank Reports
Site Appraisal Reports are prepared to advise owners or intended purchasers of the land use planning issues affecting the site and the development potential of the lands.
Bank Reports are prepared to advise Banks of the land use planning potential of lands as part of their valuation of particular lands.
Planning Enforcement / Legal Issues
Warning Letter
Enforcement Notice
Section 160 InjunctionSCA Planning has significant experience in assisting private individuals and developers in resolving planning enforcement issues both at planning authority level, at An Bord Pleanála and in the Courts as Expert Witnesses. The initial approach is to see if there is a problem and analyse to determine the best course of action in responding to allegations.
As independent planning consultants we can advise you on the most appropriate course of action to take when served with a Warning Letter, an Enforcement Notice or a Section 160 Injunction.
Our services include the preparation of comprehensive evidence-based responses to planning authorities or representation in legal proceedings that may be brought against you. Our team offers efficient and affordable support. Enforcement Departments are very active at present and it is important that those persons served with a Warning Letter, Enforcement Notice, or Section 160 Injunction make the best defence possible.
Strategic Environmental / Appropriate Assessment
Following from EU legislation, SEA and AA have become integral parts of the making or varying of Development Plans and Local Area Plan in Ireland.
The aim of the SEA process is to integrate environmental and sustainability considerations in strategic decision-making. AA provides a focused and detailed impact assessment of the implications of a plan or project, on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites in view of their conservation objectives.
SCA Planning has undertaken alone and been part of multidisciplinary teams that have prepared and reviewed SEA for Development Plans and Local Area Plans while also providing planning input into the preparation of AA for plans on behalf of private individuals and public sector bodies.Appropriate Assessment screening and Natura Impact Statements are prepared by qualified staff and in collaboration with ecological specialists.
Peer Review
SCA Planning have been commissioned by authorities, infrastructure bodies and private clients to conduct monitoring and peer review of environmental and strategic reports, to provide strategic advice for major infrastructural projects and to address Oral Hearings on strategic issues.